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Adult NutriCounselling

Are you ready to leave your food fears behind?


My practice focuses on health and wellness,

and I utilize Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size® principles.

It means that you will learn how to harness your body signals

to work in your favour for a peaceful and healthy eating,

independent of your weight, size or body type.


What you know about nutrition is not the only thing that influence your eating habits. Your food choices are mainly impacted by your

beliefs, preferences, diet experiences, family and social environments, workplace, consumed media, and your own physiology.

With an individualized approach, I’ll help you to build your confidence with food and find eating habits specific to your needs.

Your personal goals are taken into account at the same time that we will get to the root of your behaviours, beliefs, and feelings around food.

When body image is a concern, we will bring it into the sessions in order to work together to make you respect your own body and feel like home in it.


"How do I know if your
practice suits me?"
  • You are looking to improve your relationship with food
  • You struggle to make your choices around food
  • You feel overwhelmed about your eating
  • You have negative thoughts about your body that make you worry about your eating
  • You are done for painful diets and torturing workouts
  • You need guidance on a new way to take care of yourself
In any of these scenarios, my services can be an excellent fit for you.


Adding more rules will not solve your eating problems.
     Stop handing your health over to trending diets and empower yourself to reconnect with your body’s natural ability to know what and how much it needs.
     This is what will happen during the sessions:
      Initial Assessment

We will go through the challenges related to your eating behaviour pattern that are preventing you to feel good about yourself, and also develop realistic goals to move forward. Your medical history will also be assessed.

      Follow-Up Appointment

We will review your goals, go deeper into your relationship with food and body and make adjusts whenever necessary. We will be able to develop mechanisms to cope with whatever is keeping you from maximum health and wellbeing, such as intuitive eating and body acceptance.


Would you like to know more or schedule an appointment?
 Contact me now!

© 2018 by Marina Ferrari

       Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material whether written work or artwork, without express and written permission from this website’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Marina Ferrari Nutritional Counselling IBCLC, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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