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Infant & Child Feeding

Do you feel lost about how to feed your child?

Depending on the child's age, we are presented with different challenges!

When should I start offering solids? What kind of food do I start with?
How often do I need to offer food?
In what consistency? Should it be all mixed together or separated?
Should I offer juices? How much water do they need?
What do I do if they don't eat? What if they are eating too much?
When should they start to eat the family food?
Is this amount of milk normal at this age? Is it normal at night?

What milk is better for at this age?

Is my baby growing in a good speed? Is my toddler eating enough?

Is there anything I should encourage more? And what I should avoid and why?

Happy Girl with Dad
Image by William Iven
"How do I know if you can
help me with what I need?"
   Here are some examples on what I  
   can help you with:
  • growth assessment, and slow or rapid weight gain

  • food allergies and intolerances

  • reflux, colic, gas and/or constipation

  • infant oral dysfunctions

  • all related to bottle and formula feeding (including bottle weaning)

  • balance: solids and milk

  • baby/child drinks/eats less or more than parents expect

  • preference for low nutritional quality foods

  • food refusal or fussy eating 

Plus, in the case you need advice on weaning, both starting solids
and/or gently stop breastfeeding...

It would be great to have a simple and short answer to all these questions.
At the same time we have great science-based guidelines for infant feeding,

there's no one size fits all.


Each child and each family has its own needs. Not all parents can breastfeed up to six months. Some families might prefer spoon feeding, others the BLW method.

Not every family is able to cook daily. This is real life!

What makes you good parents is doing your best in your own reality.


Children are not passive in the feeding process. They have their own mind and wills, which must be given attention. At the same time, meals are also part of education. It is parents' responsibility to provide adequate environment for

children's participation in the process.


My practice is focused on sharing with you all the necessary and personalized information to make you feel confident feeding your children. The goal is help you to offer an adequate and learning environment for them to develop

autonomy in relation to eating from infancy to adolescence.

Services InfNut

Services consultations by video conference

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© 2018 by Marina Ferrari

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